Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Technology Tip Tuesday (on a Wednesday): November 13, 2013

App of the Week: EVERNOTE
To review this app, here is your "Fragale 5":
1. What? (A brief overview of what the app does)
Evernote allows you to keep track of information in any environment using whatever device you find most convenient (phone, iPad, computer, etc.), and makes this information accessible and searchable at any time, from anywhere. Using Evernote, you can quickly jot notes, create to-do lists, clip entire Web pages, manage passwords, record audio, and take pictures. Everything added to Evernote is automatically updated on all devices and even searchable. Currently, I use it on my computer, iPad, and iPhone - it's easy and amazing!

2. Who? (Audience, which grade levels can really benefit from this app)
Everyone can benefit from Evernote! In the classroom, Evernote would be great for keeping track of behavior concerns, RTI information, even a Writing Portfolio ("notebooks" in Evernote can be shared with the public or with individuals).

3. Where? (In what learning context would this app be relevant?)
Every teacher can easily download this app on his or her iPad (and/or phone) and keep it for quick reference. I created a mock RTI notebook in my account to take notes on behavior, snap a quick shot of student work, record a seating chart, anything that can serve as evidence. Each notebook can be private and only visible to you as well.
 (Mock RTI folder with student names and notes)
In conjunction with Penultimate (an app that is already installed on the student iPads), the iPad becomes a piece of paper upon which a student can draw pictures, write sentences, etc. These can easily be saved to your account, and you easily have assignments without printing anything!
(Penultimate folder shows student work that is drawn or written like a piece of paper)
(Penultimate writing assignment that includes teacher feedback using an easy recorded response.
Then, this can be shared with parents!)

4. Why? (How can this REALLY help me?)
As a teacher, I always had trouble keeping track of those little pieces of paper where I would jot behavior notes, concerns, papers that indicated a weakness that should be addressed. Now, with Evernote, all this information is easily stored and accessible. Plus, as a writing portfolio, both teachers and parents can have access to student work from anywhere! Pretty amazing!
(Mock writing portfolio that can be shared with public or individuals)

5. How? (Basic instructions)
You can find information on how to get started using Evernote here. I am also available to give you a tutorial at your convenience - simply fill out a Technology Coach Request form on my website. It really is amazing, and a great way to lose the post-its and little scraps of paper, and get digital!

In closing, I will leave you with a video to show you a little about Evernote in the classroom. Thanks for reading, and good luck with Evernote!

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